“If we want to achieve something new, we must begin with the whole and then address individual aspects.” — Rudolf Steiner

The purpose of The Whole Social (TWS) is to help us heal society by learning to see it whole. What are the deeper dynamics behind current events and why are so many attempted reforms ineffective? If we view society as a living, complex system, we can begin to see how everything is interconnected and also how it needs to be guided in order to bring about health.

But why should readers care about understanding the whole of society? Because our leaders won’t save us. A healthy society today is one in which every individual participates, where everyone has a place, or more accurately places — places where they can develop their inherent gifts and capacities, places where they can contribute those gifts through work, and places where they can hear and be heard in making the decisions that govern their collective lives. Everyone is needed in society. The healthy future includes all of us, so we must do what we can, today, to bring it into existence.

But TWS is not just for readers, it’s also for writers. In the process of learning to see society whole, it can be incredibly helpful to have a venue to explore one’s ideas — to make sense of them, to give them voice. TWS can be that for writers, as well as a community that can give feedback on those ideas, that can help each other see them more clearly. If you’re interested in writing, take a look at our writer guidelines.

There are no paywalls at TWS— anyone can subscribe and read all the materials and also participate in any conversations they want. That said, all of the writing takes time (lots of it!), so if you’d like to help keep TWS running please support us here.

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A project to help us make sense of the deeper dynamics behind current events, especially drawing on Rudolf Steiner’s insights into the threefold nature of society (often called “social threefolding”).


I've worked with social threefolding since 2007 - through writing, teaching, and working with groups and organizations. I recently developed a distance-learning course called Transforming Society (educaredo.org/transforming-society).