The Whole Social
Listen (17 min): Amnesty International blasted after criticizing Israel’s controversial “nation-state” law

Listen (17 min): Amnesty International blasted after criticizing Israel’s controversial “nation-state” law

A narrated version of the article

A large part of the difficulty surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict comes from how we think about it — specifically, the fact that there’s a fundamental confusion about what it means to be a nation-state, and how oppression of minorities is built into the very idea. In a recent talk by Amnesty International USA director Paul O’Brien, as well as in the reactions by the media, this confusion was on full display.

This is a recording of an article from March 30th, 2022. You can find the written version of the article here.

(For further discussion of the idea of separating nation and state, read the article “To end all wars” about the Russian-Ukrainian conflict).

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